Colorado’s radical leftists will celebrate the one-year anniversary of crimes against humanity and assault of Israel by Hamas terrorists with a vigil for the aggressors and an anti-war demonstration against the victims.

October 7 is the anniversary, but our own local brand of crazy is already hard at work stirring up antisemite aggression at the Boulder and Denver County Council meetings with their talking points demanding the Jews stop fighting back.

Organized by the usual Democrat suspects and socialists, the Muslim sympathizers are adamant that the only Jewish state on the planet be exterminated.

To prove their dedication to the cause, t-shirts will be made.

There will be pre-protests on Saturday with an International Day of Action, a peace vigil, and anti-war demonstration to show their support for the assholes who started the war with Israel by beheading babies, raping and killing women, and killing men and taking hostages — including U.S. citizens.

And just when you thought these people couldn’t get more annoying, they’re organizing your kids to skip school on Monday and planning a work walk-out.

As if these people work.

If the Democrats had any balls at all plus an ounce of humanity, they would condemn these activities and disassociate themselves with such radicals.

But they have no balls, or decency.