When the U.S. cracked down on airline security following the 9/11 terrorist attacks to protect against future hijackings, radical Islamists boldly warned that our next attackers would look like American citizens.

It sounded ridiculous then, and yet here we are 23 years later watching our young adults mark the Oct. 7 attack against Israel and the slaughter of 1,300 innocent civilians by protesting in support of U.S.-designated terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah.

The terrorists were right. The newly radicalized look like our sons and daughters, because they are.

This was the scene today in Denver as the flag of a country that’s never existed in the history of the Middle East was raised against the U.S. flag.

Socialists and gullible U.S. students marched with Muslims in several parades to signal their solidarity with terrorist organizations they’ve been brainwashed to view as victims.

This event and others to celebrate the worst slaughter since the Holocaust started over the weekend in Colorado and included a traffic blockade in Denver to enrage drivers.

Interesting that someone who claims to have afforded a PhD views a person with a car that cost less than one semester as entitled.

The Denver Gazette reports the protestors tied up traffic for 40 minutes at 1st Ave. and University Blvd. Only two people were arrested and it’s unknown if either were entitled college students.

There were events for the little ones to get a head start on their brainwashing.

The New York Post reported Sunday that antisemitism is exploding across the U.S. in part because hate is now being taught in public schools.

The proliferation of DEI bears much of the blame when it teaches children to categorize each other as oppressor or oppressed while assigning value to races, religion and gender, the Post reported.

Jews are coded as privileged white people, the Post said, “ignoring thousands of years of violent persecution as well as basic facts (almost 30% of the global Jewish population is non-white).”

It is clearer than ever that far too many school administrators and teachers have twisted their privilege as educators into a tool for indoctrinating kids into an ideological agenda that fuels hate, rather than combats it.

Which explains why college campuses in Colorado and the U.S. are tolerating these radical protests on campuses that too often are devolving into antisemitism.