Gov. Polis says Coloradans think they are under assault from what a future Trump administration portends; most likely because of all the scary predictions made by those idiots on MSNBC.

So Polis wants the world to know there is a place for everyone in Colorado!

Whether you’re a burglar or car thief, drug dealer or homeless, unemployable or just stoned all the time, Colorado welcomes you!

Especially for those whose political leanings are Green, Democrat, Progressive, anarchist, and Liz Cheney.

Or, independents who lean in the same direction.

Libertarians are welcome in leap years.

And migrants who entered the country illegally or refused to leave once their legal visit expired? Not only are they welcome, but all their needs and wants will be covered by taxpayer dollars!

Snarky remarks aside, the purpose of Polis’s message and the article he linked was really just to make sure all the genders of the alphabet gang know they are the ones he means when he says everyone.

He’s just being inclusive when he says “everyone,” wink, wink.

Republicans, conservatives, and Libertarians in non-leap years will continue to not be welcome in Polis’s Colorado.