Pueblo Clerk and Recorder Bo Ortiz let all the glowing reviews from the far left wing on MSNBC go to his head. In attempting to brag about the number of inactive voters in Pueblo who returned their ballot, Ortiz put out a press release that claimed 28% of inactives had voted. The problem is the real number is 10%, turning Ortiz into Colorado's own version of Leon Lett.
The Dallas Cowboy's Leon Lett infamously started celebrating a touchdown in Super Bowl XXVII that he hadn't earned yet, allowing the Buffalo Bills’ Don Beebe to swat the ball from his hand and take possession.
Ortiz's early bragging, that was later corrected with a press release yesterday afternoon, makes him look just as foolish.
Ortiz was trying to score some extra points against Secretary of State Scott Gessler, with whom he fought with over mailing ballots to inactive voters. A law written by Democrats in the Legislature in 2010 had stated that in all-mail elections clerks “shall mail [a ballot] to each active registered elector,” after intense lobbying by County Clerk and Recorders. They had asked them to allow the Clerks to not incur the cost to mail inactive voters ballots automatically, a subset of voters who only return them in the single digits. At a time of budget cuts, the Clerks were looking for any way to save money, especially on costs that had such a low rate of return.
Ortiz had attempted to sue Secretary of State Scott Gessler over the right to mail inactive voters, despite it not being authorized in the election law passed by Democrats in 2010, and was lionized by the left for attacking their new favorite punching bag. While Ortiz was only a bit player looking for attention in a lawsuit driven by left wing groups such as Common Cause, he had plenty of hot air blown up his skirt by the folks over at Colorado Pols and even MSNBC's lower rated version of Bill O'Reilly, Rachel Maddow.
All the attention went to Ortiz's head, causing him to blast out a press release on election night (falsely) bragging that 28% of inactive voters returned ballots. It was completely not true — not even close. The icing on the cake for conservatives was that it was Scott Gessler's office that caught Ortiz using faux facts.
On a night when progressives and the broader left-wing of Colorado had virtually nothing to celebrate, after almost every tax measure in the state went down in flames, the Left was desperate to find something positive.
We suggest when looking for a silver lining next time, make sure the silver ain't fake.
Otherwise you end up looking like a giant douchebag.
Who will stand up and run against this travesty who gives douchebags a bad name? He wins because of voter apathy…not only have they not come out in elections we could have won…they offer no solutions!
Ortiz iS, in fact, a douchebag…. a dishonest douchebag..