CRYSTAL BALL OR CRACK? D.C. Insiders Think Western Slope Will Swing Dem

Did we miss some sort of cataclysmic shift of historical western values and fierce independence of voters on the Western Slope signaling the demise of Republican U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton in his November reelection bid? We did not. That tremor reported by the media that...

ROUGH RIDE: Wyoming Profs Whither Under “Sexist” Cowboy Mascot

Today, we are venturing a few miles north of the state line to bring you a dispatch from Laramie, where a group of University of Wyoming professors are calling for the university to trash its new marketing slogan “the world needs more cowboys.”  Why you may ask? These...

TOP GUNS: Walker Stapleton Picks Lang Sias as his Running Mate

In reporting Republican Walker Stapleton’s pick for lieutenant governor, the media were quick to jump on the politics of the choice and the political background of Lang Sias of Arvada. But what most failed to mention, Sias is a working man. He’s a pilot for FedEx and...