Recent Headlines

UNRESOLVED: Hick’s Punt Lets Boulder Extend “Illegal” Fracking Ban

UNRESOLVED: Hick’s Punt Lets Boulder Extend “Illegal” Fracking Ban

This should have been viewed as inevitable, when Gov. John Hickenlooper decided he’d place his own political survival over what was best for Colorado.  In typical Boulder being Boulder fashion, last Thursday the Boulder county commissioners voted to extend their...

FINAL TOTALS: $82 Million In Political Ads For Colorado

FINAL TOTALS: $82 Million In Political Ads For Colorado

The Center for Public Integrity just released its final study of the breakdown for political ads in Colorado for the 2014 election cycle.  Senator-elect Cory Gardner was outspent by Sen. Mark Udall by over $3 million ($5.2M to $8.5M), and had nearly 6,000 less ads...

PHOENIX: A Reborn Ken Buck Elected GOP Freshman Class President

This time four years ago, if you said that Ken Buck, excuse us Rep-elect Ken Buck, would serve as the GOP's Freshman Class President in the U.S. House of Representatives, we would have thought you were insane.  Not because he's not worthy of such an honor, but because...

SLICK HICK: Hick’s Gov Propaganda Fail

SLICK HICK: Hick’s Gov Propaganda Fail

Gov. John Hickenlooper (brand trademark pending) once again is trying to push himself as a moderate by coopting the themes of fiscal conservatism without actually delivering results.  Then again, as liberal-loved brands like Apple have shown, you don’t actually have...

NEXT CYCLE BEGINS NOW: Bennet Listed Among Most Competitive Seats

NEXT CYCLE BEGINS NOW: Bennet Listed Among Most Competitive Seats

In sports, it’s almost inevitable now that the day after a championship is won people are already predicting who will win the next championship.  Why should politics be any different?  Even  though we are just over a week removed from the end of the 2014...

CONCESSIONS: Hickenlooper Concedes HD 30 for Jenise May

CONCESSIONS: Hickenlooper Concedes HD 30 for Jenise May

Well that was awkward. While House Democrats are still holding out hope that Rep. Jenise May (D-Aurora) might retain her seat, Gov. John Hickenlooper basically conceded for her during yesterday’s hearing of the Joint Budget Committee. H/t to Colorado Public Radio...

SQUAWK! Gunnison Sage Grouse Listed as Threatened

There may be no other issue that illustrates capricious government overreach as well as the sage grouse issue here in Colorado.  Today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife listed the Gunnison Sage Grouse as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act. Of course, who got the...

2022 General Election






