Recent Headlines


Colorado's Democrats are pushing for a $1 Billion personal income tax increase on this fall's ballot. Before we rush to approve this 18% increase in individual income tax collection, let's look at the success Colorado's revenue collectors have in collecting at the tax...

NEXT STOP CO? Washington State’s Medical Marijuana Storefronts Raided

NEXT STOP CO? Washington State’s Medical Marijuana Storefronts Raided

Last week, several medical marijuana storefronts in Washington State, which voted to legalize recreational marijuana last year, were raided by the Drug Enforcement Agency, according to the Wall Street Journal.  While a person familiar with the raids noted that they...

FLUSHING THE BS: A Plumber From Pueblo, Not NRA Behind Giron Recall

FLUSHING THE BS: A Plumber From Pueblo, Not NRA Behind Giron Recall

Over the weekend, Kurtis Lee of The Denver Post profiled the real political muscle behind the recall of anti-gun Senator Angela Giron. Spoiler: It's not the NRA, but a 28-year-old plumber from Pueblo named Victor Head. Of course, we enjoyed the article the first time...

NEED A MULLIGAN: Udall Tries to Talk Around NSA Vote History

NEED A MULLIGAN: Udall Tries to Talk Around NSA Vote History

This weekend, Colorado's Democratic Senator Mark Udall co-authored an op-ed for the Washington Post calling for an end to domestic surveillance activities - the very activities that he, himself, voted for. Udall must think that by repeating the same falsities over and...

NYT BACKS MORSE: Need Further Proof of Bloomberg Involvement?

NYT BACKS MORSE: Need Further Proof of Bloomberg Involvement?

Question - how many people down in Colorado Springs read the New York Times on a daily basis?  We didn't think many either, but that isn't stopping the strong arm of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg from attempting to flex his muscle in the recall efforts against...

TODAY: Western Conservative Summit Draws Conservative Superstars

Today kicks off the annual Western Conservative Summit in Denver, and the lineup should be fun for any conservative.  A few of the highlights: Keynote dinner tonight featuring speakers Wisconsin Governor (and rumored presidential hopeful) Scott Walker and...

BEST HE’S GOT? Do-Nothing Sen. Udall Proud of Random Legislation

It's no secret that we think Democratic Senator Mark Udall isn't terribly effective in the U.S. Senate.  But, this week, we feel like he's just asking us to write another post about how silly the bills he sponsors are. And, it's not just that they're silly - it's that...

2022 General Election






