HOLD ONTO YOUR WALLET: What Hick Had to Say About the State of the State

It took Gov. Hickenlooper nearly an hour Thursday during his State of the State address to tell us how great Colorado is doing. Business is booming, flowers are blooming and everyone has health care, even if they can’t afford it. Oh, and we need to raise taxes — also...

JARED POLIS FOUNDATION: What Does He Do With Those Nickels and Dimes?

Now that he’s running for governor, we’re hearing a lot more about U.S. Rep. Jared Polis’s foundation and all of the money he contributes to his causes. And he should. Wednesday’s announcement that U.S. Rep. Daryl Issa will retire means Polis could soon be the richest...

HICK’S HIDDEN CUTS: GOP Forced to Use Open Records Law To Save Money

So it is possible to cut state government spending by at least two percent, because the agencies proposed such a cut, but then it was tossed in the garbage can and chalked up as some sort of homework exercise. Gov. Hickenlooper is now hiding what those cuts proposed,...

NO SUCH THING AS VOTER FRAUD: Dead Voters and Cheaters are Safe

An interesting trend in the reactions this week to the Trump administration’s decision to disband a commission to investigate voter fraud — it was the Democrats who were all excited about it. Seriously, why would anyone celebrate the end of scrutiny to ensure that...