FRACKING SMACK DOWN: Brophy Schools Enviro Whackos on Clean Air

While The Denver Post’s Bruce Finley played journalist with environmental activists and the Governor’s staff, Republican state Sen. Greg Brophy was schooling the Air Quality Control Commission and the fractivists at the hearing with some pretty bad-ass...

WHEN DOVES (& EAGLES) CRY: Audubon vs. Green Energy

It’s always fun to witness moments when the Democratic Party realizes it cannot have its cake and eat it, too.  The New York Times is reporting a new federal rule that grants wind farms 30-year permits allowing them to “lawfully kill bald and golden eagles.” A good...

SEE YOU IN COURT: COGA Sues to Block Illegal Municipal Drilling Bans

In a move that surprised no one, The Colorado Oil and Gas Association filed lawsuits to overturn the “economically masochistic” fracking bans that were passed in Ft. Collins and Lafayette this year. This lawsuit was a known outcome to both the oil and gas...