Dec 2, 2013
If you missed it over Thanksgiving, Secretary of State Scott Gessler unloaded on the hapless (or is it corrupt?) vote counters in Broomfield. After some serious election night shenanigans, an initiative to ban fracking pushed by this guy went from defeated to...
Nov 6, 2013
Last night’s blowout defeat of the billion dollar tax hike Amendment 66 will reverberate far beyond the first Tuesday of November 2013. There were lessons to be learned well beyond the statewide ballot, from a clear cut rejection of union influence to the limits...
Nov 4, 2013
11/5 UPDATE: Informal results have the ban narrowly failing: In an election full of revealing story lines, one of the most watched nationally will be the outcome of an initiative that would ban hydraulic fracturing in Broomfield. There are three other fracking...
Oct 9, 2013
Yesterday, state health officials released test results showing “no evidence of oil and gas pollutants” in the flood-impacted rivers and streams of Northern Colorado. But days earlier, in a separate assessment of the recovery and clean-up efforts following...
Sep 19, 2013
UPDATE: Polis responds. See his comment at the end. Shocking, we know. Colorado’s Democratic U.S. Representative Jared Polis has again been named to Roll Call’s “50 Richest Members of Congress” annual ranking. He comes in as the seventh...