STAFF CLEARS THE AIR: Hick Takes Credit for Nothing

Gov. Hickenlooper had a challenging day. First there was his announcement that he’s standing up to President Trump’s decision to ease overregulation on fossil fuels for by declaring himself as the savior of Planet Colorado. Here’s the big announcement: Hickenlooper...

HICK’S TWO FACES: Why He Wants Dems to Play Petty Politics

Gov. Hickenlooper is urging Senate Democrats to play petty politics with Judge Neil Gorsuch’s Supreme Court nomination. Talking out of both sides of his mouth, he explains how wonderful it is that Gorsuch was nominated and how talented he is and all. But then goes on...

HICK’S LEGACY: How He’s Hurting Us to Help Himself

Gov. Hickenlooper’s grand design to be a copycat and govern by regulation like President Obama has Northwest Colorado up in arms. It stands to reason they are not pleased about his CO2 emission plan to put power plants and the coal industry out of business, because...

PIKACHU A DEMOCRAT? Pokeman Go Sparks Political Controversy

There’s a schism in the Democratic Party, and we’re not talking about the expansive divide between Hillary and Bernie supporters, but rather something so monumentally stupid that only Democrats would be paying note. We speak of Pokeman Go. Apparently, Gov....