Oct 6, 2015
Anti-fracking campaigns are so 2014 and have been losing momentum ever since Rep. Jared Polis struck a deal with Gov. John Hickenlooper to remove them from the ballot last year. But out of state interests seem to have missed the memo as they descended on Denver...
Oct 6, 2015
Last week we reported that Gov. Hickenlooper was out of the running as Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential selection after he literally sounded the death knell of her campaign. We appear to have been wrong. The Clinton campaign announced this week that Hick has...
Sep 25, 2015
If the funders of the lefty-driven Building a Better Colorado think they’ve stumbled onto something original, they better think again. A quick Google search for the group’s website this week yielded some surprising results. Namely, that their agenda looks shockingly...
Sep 22, 2015
Democrats like to lament any tax refunds as a sign the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) is screwing over Colorado. Except, as Sen. Kevin Grantham points out in this morning’s Denver Post, these refunds just remind people why they like TABOR and that it works. In...
Sep 11, 2015
President Obama’s controversial ozone restrictions have divided black leaders in major cities across the nation, but no word on where Denver Mayor Hancock stands on the issue. According to a report in Politico, some black leaders are concerned the clampdown would...