Jun 19, 2015
Glory be to the GOP Congress. In one fell swoop, they effectively killed the EPA’s controversial effort to regulate water in ditches and ponds, blocked the rule killing coal-fired power plants that Gov. Hickenlooper so gleefully signed onto, pulled the rug out from...
Jun 16, 2015
Glorious karma has taken a bite out of the government’s backside. It turns out that the EPA failed to study how endangered species would be affected by its new plan to save the planet by shutting down power plants. Obviously, neither Hick nor the feds could care less...
Jun 15, 2015
Cliff Willmeng isn’t letting the loss of Jared Polis’s millions deter him from his grand scheme to ban fracking through so-called “local control” — government by commune. The wacky fractivist has turned to crowdfunding to bank his delusion dream, The Statesman...
Jun 11, 2015
Remember that scam Gov. Hickenlooper fell for in 2013 when he fronted the feds $300,000 large Colorado taxpayer dollars to reopen Rocky Mountain National Park during the government shutdown? Yeah, we still haven’t been repaid. Forcing that refund from the National...
May 29, 2015
Gov. Hickenlooper delivered a delusional prophecy this week when he stated that fractivists, many of whom are paid for their efforts, have simply abandoned their mission to ban the energy development. Here is Hick’s pollyannic statement, as reported by the Durango...