Jul 15, 2013
A fascinating story by the Colorado Springs Gazette’s Megan Schrader will make this year’s already difficult campaign to raise taxes by a billion dollars even more difficult. The headline itself pretty much sums it up: “Flush with cash, Colorado...
Jul 12, 2013
Governor Hickenlooper, who whispered his support for the billion dollar tax increase in a private meeting with CEOs, has continued his trend of talking about the ballot initiative behind closed doors. Reports the Post Independent: GLENWOOD SPRINGS — Gov. John...
Jul 11, 2013
Over the course of the next four months, proponents of the billion dollar tax hike on the ballot this November will continually suggest Colorado is 49th in education spending. It’s falser than your grandma’s teeth. But you don’t have to trust us....
Jul 11, 2013
On his monthly visit to the Mike Rosen Show on 850KOA, Governor Hickenlooper made a major messaging faux pas on the billion dollar tax hike. In response to prodding by Rosen, the governor admitted the second tier of the tax hike represents a whopping 27% increase. The...
Jul 10, 2013
Governor Hickenlooper, after months of his notorious hedging, has finally come out in support of the billion dollar tax increase tentatively known as Initiative 22. But, in typical Hickenlooper fashion, he didn’t have the guts to just come out and say it....