PewDemocrats’ social media trolls are touting a recent Pew study showing the alleged benefits of the elections overhaul that Democrats rammed through the legislature in 2013. The entire premise of the study is laughably flawed.

First, it claims “Counties’ Election Costs Declined 40% on average after Colorado Voting Process Reforms.” The sole evidence is based on comparing Colorado election costs using the 2008 election versus the 2014 election, never mind the fact the bill was passed in 2013, a full five years after 2008.

These two elections are light years apart. First, 2008 was an unprecedented election featuring an open presidential contest between Obama and McCain with 2,422,236 votes. Meanwhile the 2014 election was an off-year election with 2,075,837 votes. In case the maths is hard, that’s an extra 346,399 votes in 2008.

Second, the 2008 ballot had 15 statewide ballot issues leading to a two-page ballot, while the 2014 ballot only had four issues. So, no wonder printing costs were double those of 2014 and postage was 35% higher in 2008 to account for the weight of the two-pages.

Finally, the comparison assumes no other cost-savings were initiated between 2009 and 2013. The election of 2008 was the first year using the statewide voter registration system and it has only been improved since then creating efficiencies and greater election management options. Not to mention, the voting equipment used in 2008 focused on in-person voting and outdated scanners, while the 2014 equipment has vastly improved its speed and technology.

It’s disappointing that Pew is more interested in pushing its liberal agenda rather than actually pursuing facts.