UPDATE 2: We missed this earlier from Fox 31’s Eli Stokols who reported that, in fact, no one did care about the endorsement.

UPDATE: We got an email from a Mike Hancock sympathizer pointing out that Ritter’s sister-in-arms, former Treasurer Cary Kennedy, had endorsed Romer at a point previous in the campaign. We missed that one, as it could have been similarly dismissed with a “who cares.” So with the exception of noting that Ritter has no business doing politics while at CSU, we’ll call it a Hancock-Romer tie when it comes to endorsements from leftist leftovers.

Yesterday, the only endorsement that really matters in the Denver Mayor's race happened, with third place finisher James Mejia endorsing front-runner Chris Romer. That endorsement mattered not only because Mejia almost made the run-off, but because it took the wind out of the sails of an anti-Romer coalition.

After the endorsement, many observers predicted the race was all but over. 

And now in steps Bill Ritter to endorse Michael Hancock. We have news for Ritter and Hancock: NO ONE CARES.

Apparently, Ritter wanted a break from having his ass handed to him on debates on renewable energy. Or maybe it was a favor to his former spokesman, Evan Dreyer, who is now running Hancock's campaign.

We're also a bit confused as to why CSU is even letting Ritter play in politics. After all, Bruce Benson had to swear off partisan politics when he took over at CU. Why in the name of Cam the Ram is it any different for a lousy former Governor at CSU?

This endorsement doesn't seem to make much sense to us. It's not like Ritter is a beloved figure in the Democrat Party. He was a one term Governor who was unable to get anything done in his single term other than give a bunch of speeches where he put a backdrop saying "New Energy Economy" behind him. Which we all now realize was just a ploy for a post-government job funded by the George Soros set of Colorado.&nbsp

It's like a Republican being endorsed by Dan Maes. Endorsements by failures don't matter.