Imagine going into your boss' office and explaining that you don't make enough money and deserve a 150% raise. I'm pretty sure what his or her reaction would be.

However, that didn't stop Senator John Morse, who recently told a Gazette reporter that lawmakers should be making “in the neighborhood of $80,000.” Most legislators make $30,000 plus per diem. In fact, Morse came under fire this year for collecting almost $50,000 in per diem charges in 2009. Apparently, he billed the state for almost $80,000 in 2009, not because he earned the money, but because he deserves that money.

Remember, this is the same Morse that criticized the Secretary of State for moonlighting. Earlier this year on the senate floor, Morse said, “The Secretary of State needs to tighten his belt just like every family in Colorado has to.” As part of his tantrum, Morse also said, “This is the same Secretary of State that didn't think he could do the job on the $68,500 salary that it provided.” Nevermind the fact that Morse actually made more than the Secretary of State in 2009.

Fast forward a couple months and Morse is quoted as saying, “Peoples' finances shouldn't be a barrier to their ability to serve. There are a million reasons not to run for public office, and that shouldn't be one of them.” Fascinating. Morse's tone away from the gold dome is strikingly different. I'm disappointed the reporter wasn't struck by this hypocrisy but maybe someone else could ask Morse if his opinion of Gessler has changed.