In the past few months in Colorado liberals have made a cottage industry out of accusations of racism — often times without even a hint of proof. Remember when Terrance Carroll tried to accuse Westword of being racist for jokingly adding a whip sound to Mayor Hancock's new DIA greeting? Or how about the time Wellington Webb made up a prison population out of thin air to try to tar the GOP as drawing racist-inspired reapportionment lines?
Well…two can play at this game.
Since liberals love loose-link racist accusations we got one for them. Yesterday, Mayor Michael Han(d)cock was proudly proclaiming the accomplishments of his first 100 days in office. You know — spending a million bucks more on political appointments than Hickenlooper, trying to ban the press from recording briefings, and hosting a weekend bash for his political hacks at a big donor's tony Beaver Creek mansion. In that speech, The Denver Post reports he quoted a one Friedrich Nietzsche.
You know Nietzsche — Hitler's favorite philosopher.
The Post doesn't say what Nietzsche quote he used — that doesn't matter when throwing out wild accusations of racism — but let's hope it wasn't from anything that Hitler appropriated into Mein Kampf.
We think Mayor Hancock owes an apology to the Jewish community for his insensitive quoting of a man accused of developing the intellectual foundation of the Third Reich.
Oh, and he should apologize to all women in Colorado too, as Nietzsche was a famous misogynist as well.
It's strange, one of the top purveyors of false accusations of racism — Terrance Carroll — snuck into the photo op while Hancock was quoting anti-Semitic philosophers. Guess we missed Terrance's press release denouncing Hancock.
Terrance — would you mind re-emailing us your condemnation of Mayor Hancock to tips (at)
Needless to say, the Peak is outraged — just outraged.
… Nietzsche’s everyone-for-himself philosophy is the magnetic north by which the modern conservative movement gets its bearings.
Also, Hitler’s favorite philosopher was Alfred Rosenberg. (Rosenberg wasn’t Jewish, even if his name sounds like it was.) You can look that up.
Both use stupid ass quotes at the end of their comments. Both make incorrect assertions. Both are unwanted trolls. Both date high school girls…you get the idea.
Nietzsche also said “God is dead,” but yeah, that sounds like the modern conservative movement. Do you try to be this retarded or is it genetic? My apologies if it’s the latter.
that I’m actually trying to introduce some alternate ideas in the echo chamber. It should help this site out in the long run; traffic seems to be pretty low, if the amount of comments is any indication.
If you can dispute what I say or show where I’m wrong, that will be a lot more to your benefit. Childish insults indicate that you’re unable to do that.
Show me what you got.
One point of departure doesn’t disprove the general case I made.
crying racism to score political points is getting old.