OUR VIEW: If a Democrat Governor who also happens to be a geologist doesn't buy the scare tactics of anti-drilling enviro zealots, why should anyone else?  
Alright, we do not have to tell anyone who reads this blog with any regularity that we are not the biggest fans of Governor John Hickenlooper.  In fact, we might be the only ones alive willing to lay a glove on him.

Most days, Hickenlooper is kind of a wuss. But to every rule, there are exceptions.  

For a Governor whose economic policy is called TBD, by his own choosing no less, big risks are not a common occurrence. But on one major economic issue, the issue of oil and gas development from hydraulic fracturing, he is putting his political derrière on the line.  

Yes, Colorado Peak Politics readers, John Hickenlooper got out from under his proverbial desk, grew a political spine, and went all wild and crazy on his own liberal base when he lent his name, his voice, and his popularity to the cause of defending the practice of hydraulic fracturing.  

From today's Denver Business Journal:

Thirteen Colorado environmental groups have sent a letter to Gov. John Hickenlooper claiming that a radio ad that he recorded about drilling and hydraulic fracturing in Colorado, and sponsored by the Colorado Oil & Gas Association (COGA), is misleading.  

But COGA's president and CEO, Tisha Schuller, said in an interview that the industry trade group won't pull the ad off the air. It started running last week on radio stations along the Front Range and in some markets on the Western Slope, she said.  

"We stand by the ads, and we call them public service announcements," Schuller said.

Now listen to the ad yourself via the Denver Business Journal here.

There is a lot of analysis that can be done here.  But we will hold that for another day.  

All we can say now is: “Good job, Guv!”  

Remember how environmentalists always tell us that the debate over global warming is over?  Yeah, well, that is not the case, but the debate over hydraulic fracturing's safety is.  John Hickenlooper, at least as far as Colorado is concerned, just ended it.  

From now on, when liberals sound the alarm on oil and gas drilling, conservatives can make a simple argument.    

If a Democrat Governor who also happens to be a geologist doesn't buy the scare tactics of anti-drilling enviro zealots, why should anyone else?