Governor Hickenlooper thinks his ability to avoid clear positions on public policy issues is hilarious. He got a room full of news editors to laugh along when describing his ability to avoid being pinned down by the press.
As Joe Hanel of the Durango Herald tweeted at the time:
In roomful of newspaper editors, @hickforco openly celebrates his ability to dodge questions. Crowd loves it. #copolitics
Now he's soft pedaling support for a controversial bill to give tuition discounts to illegal immigrants.
Late Saturday night, perhaps hoping no one was on Twitter at the time, Hickenlooper tweeted his quasi-support for SB15, the illegal immigrant tuition discount bill:
Apparently, Peter Marcus from the Colorado Statesman is just as confused by this soft pedaled support as we are, saying on Twitter it's unclear what Hick means by this tweet.
Hick unclear? Never!
Since illegal immigrant students can already go to colleges in Colorado, SB15 would only provide a discounted tuition rate (not offered to legal citizens from other states), not a "path forward."
This has become typical of Hick's view towards issue positions. Either he outright hides from taking positions like he did on Prop 103, or says nice things about the issue or candidate he likes, such as on the DPS school board race, without having the guts to offer an actual endorsement.
With Hick testifying today in the Legislature on early childhood literacy, it's clear Hick is testing the legislative waters, but doesn't want to get wet just yet.
That would be acceptable if he was just starting a campaign for Governor, but he's not. He's the Governor. Isn't it time the press hold his feet to the fire and demand clarity?
If Amy Stephens helps liberal Democrat Claire Levy ram House Bill 1271 through she will have hell to pay. El Paso County DA May and Sheriff Maketa know the games she is playing behind the scenes. This could be a game changer in her race against Marsha Looper as crime victim and law enforcement groups are all over this one. You have a choice Leader Stephens.
You’ve been harping on HB 1271 on at least three different threads now with no explanation as to what it is. Why don’t you just write up a diary to tell us what it is all about? And how it fits in with the Stephans/Looper fight here in EPC?
seems to have all the “get out and lead” abilities of former Guv Ritter, but with at least twice the charisma. He knows he can drop the ball on environmental concerns and supporting illegal immigrants, Dems will vote for him anyways and as long as he keeps everyone else at least liking him he has a good chance at re-election. Why rock the boat with controversy?