We meant to hit this last week. In a Colorado poll by the Democrat firm Public Policy Polling (PPP), Senator Mark Udall is not doing well, with a lowly 40% approval rating. It appears Washington, DC's taint has splashed back on the formerly beloved Udall.

That is especially troubling for Udall considering how much the poll oversamples liberals and Democrats.

Peak news contributor Dave Diepenbrock recently pointed out that the PPP poll oversampled liberals by 12.5% and undersampled moderates by 6.5% and conservatives by 4%. 

When Diepenbrock recalculated the PPP results for President based on the correct ideological sample, using Gallup's numbers, President Obama's supposed 13-point lead over Romney turned into a one-point Romney lead. Imagine what Udall's approval rating might look like if the approval rating was calculated based on a proper ideological sample of Colorado's electorate. 

With Udall's re-elect only two and a half years away, will the DC-stink get worse? We don't suppose he'll end up smelling like outsider roses come 2014.

If a poll designed to make Democrats look good has Udall this low, we wonder how much panic is going on in Udall's world right now.