Conservative advocacy group Compass Colorado launched a billboard campaign in Colorado yesterday highlighting Democrats' energy policy alignment with Iranian dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Almost immediately, one of the Democrats targeted, Congressional candidate Joe Miklosi, blasted out a fundraising email about it.


From the email:

Shady outside groups will continue to use their secret slush funds to launch these kinds of wild attacks. We need your help to fight back.  Help us combat Coffman and his far right buddies by giving $100, $50 or $25 or whatever you can today!

Miklosi's campaign cries about being tied to Ahmadinejad, although both oppose expanded oil drilling in the US, albeit for different reasons, but what probably really bothers them is being tied to President Obama. With an approval rating of only 42% in the metro area, Obama is not the type of public figure a little known candidate wants to be associated with.  

Colorado Pols snarkily thanked Compass Colorado for boosting Miklosi's name ID, though if we were Miklosi we wouldn't want our name ID boosted in reference to Obama. But the real person who should be thanking Compass Colorado is Miklosi's former finance director, who is still waiting to be paid in full by Miklosi. 

As Miklosi is a deadbeat boss who doesn't pay his employees their "fair share," if Miklosi raises enough money off the Compass Colorado ad email, we hope he uses the funds to pay the back pay complaint. After all, we're told that's why Compass put the ads up in the first place. They care about Colorado workers.