Colorado blog Revealing Politics just sent its funnyman Caleb Bonham to a Joe Miklosi campaign event thinking he could snag Miklosi's "speech".  Of course, what started as a "speech" ended as a conversation as the campaign clearly expected two or three times the attendees as arrived.

Because we're so helpful and generous of spirit, we thought we would give Miklosi some suggestions on how to find more friends to listen to his complete and utter nonsense townhalls.

Here are a few online sources to help find friends:

  • There's this web site Facebook, perhaps Miklosi's heard of it?

Otherwise, those horribly discriminated against biker gangs that Miklosi tried to help via legislation probably owe him a favor.  Or, perhaps he could introduce himself to his new neighbors down in Arapahoe County.  OR, in a tight spot, maybe he could have even invited some of his old constituents from HD9 to his townhall?

Of course, what's most pathetic is that this is supposed to be one of the top targeted races in the state – and he can't get 30 people to show up?  We're really not impressed here.