Seven short days after a brimming and confident Barack Obama arrived in Denver for the presidential debate there is a stark new reality emerging from the boneyard of the president’s Mile High meltdown…in this decisive swing state that Democrats won going-away in 2008, the president finds himself trailing with just days before voting starts here.
From the Chicago Sun Times:
“Real Clear Politics tracking of the latest polls by non-campaign sources puts Romney ahead in Florida, 0.7; North Carolina, 3; Colorado, 0.5.
…Romney campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom was cautiously gleeful in an MSNBC interview. A week ago, when polls put Romney behind, stories were being written about how the Romney campaign was in disarray.
When “we were being questioned about the state of the race, and our advice was to simply caution everybody to be patient; that there’s going to be a lot of ups and downs in this campaign, but it’s going to be tight right until the end.”
If news of a breakthrough in pivotal states like Colorado is being met cautiously by the Romney camp, the same has got Obama’s base of national activists practically slitting their wrists.
From Politico this beautiful morning (and there’s a lot here, but read it…you’ll enjoy):
First came the nausea. Then came the anxiety.
After months of watching Mitt Romney twist in the media glare, a growing number of President Barack Obama’s supporters – though confined for now to a noisy minority of liberals – are peering into the Obama-might-actually-lose abyss for the first time after last week’s disastrous first debate.
…A handful of liberal pundits – amplifying the visceral reactions of the party’s liberal base to the debate and Obama’s subsequent dip in the polls – think the plane is plunging into a cliff. They have found their muse in Daily Beast columnist Andrew Sullivan, whom Obama reads regularly and was once invited to a White House state dinner.
“Did Obama just throw away the election?” Sullivan wrote in a widely read column posted Monday night, which drew 21,000 Facebook likes…
….Neera Tanden, president of the liberal Center for American Progress and a 2008 Hillary Clinton adviser, challenged Sullivan and other like-minded liberals on Twitter, writing, “This freak-out is embarrassing.”
But another Clinton veteran, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg – who has long urged Obama to lay out a more specific agenda for his second term – sounded an alarm. He called the debate a “major turning point” in an interview with The Washington Post,especially among single women voters, a key swing demographic laser-focused on jobs and the economy…
…Back in 2008, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe had a word for doubters: “Bedwetters.”
Bedwetters? Ouch.
The fact of the matter is, there is a lot of time between now and the end of the election.
But thanks to a disastrous performance from Barack Obama under the glaring lights of the University of Denver seven days ago, there is no doubt which campaign is clinging to Big Mo.
my job has been getting better each year since 2009, and i got to keep my house. those are the two facts i KNOW.
Like the proverbial broken clock, this post got one thing right: "The fact of the matter is, there is a lot of time between now and the end of the election."
I just sorta sat here looking at it, thinking, perhaps I'd slipped into the twilight zone.
U r racists! Now go hide n the closet and cryM
That has got to be…. really…. just the most laughable news feed. The entire page is just surreal. I continue to be grateful that reasonable americans who want to keep the American dream alive out these asshats 2 to 1.
wow, didn't really work out like ya'll had hoped did it.
That won't happened @Robert because Romney made his concession. Why is out there now… Obama got Colorado… y'all late.
@Kimberly, capitalism, cultist, he thinks reagonomics works, He switches his views and religion all for votes and most importantly, he makes up 2% of the richest people on earth which makes up of 46% of all the wealth in the United States, he wants to make the White house a big o fat party for the rich! He cares about Big oil like Bush!
@Donna, those figures are correct, that is exactly what the Bush administration did for our nation!
all those figures thanks to bush not allowing homeland drilling and making oil in big demand during his presidency which then raises gas prices and makes the global economy turn into a mess, study your politics like I do and find the facts rather than listening to all your right wing family and friends for your clueless party, who can trust someone that does a fake photo op for disaster relief??? Really?? what a mormon, a man mad religion!
What WORLD are you living in?? Your own bubble! It does not help yourself to believe those lies, gets you no where.
Wow Lyle, you need to drink more kool-aid or smoke some more of something. Please do us all a favor when you move your business over to India, move yourself with it!
If Obama wins you wont even have that choice!!
How Karen? Exactly how does America lose by Romney winning? Please explain that statement to me because i really would like to understand your logic.
As a homeowner i call bs. My home value is still in the toilet
Too much rhetoric on your part …the sad truth is which ever man wins will be faced with responsibilities worth no mans time … the problems we face in the future as a nation and a people is not going to be changed by a socialist or a capitalist….I think what we on this land, the land of Aztlan need …is a REVOLUTION…do you not agree..
And somehiw Lindalee you all want us to believe Barry has foreign policy experience???? One word..Benghazigate!Get a clue!
are you drunk? High? or are you really just that stupid?? Jeremy get a clue.
You know how bad it's gotten, I'll take being called a racist just to get Obama out of the office. I just don't care anymore.
Wow! It's amazing to meet all you Rich fine folks! Yes em Yes em! It is nice to meet all of you that make up 2% of the richest people in America! So nice to meet you all, I am rich also and I cannot wait for Mormon Mittch Romey to make the white house a big ol' fat party for the rich and screw all the peasants that voted for him! Heck yeah!!! Rock on! Party for all of us Rich guys! Yeah With all my fiends and screw the Economy because Lord knows the record shows Reaganomics does'nt work, that is what brought Rome down you goolfballs! Allowing us Rich Guys Like me to Get fatter and let the middle class< I'm sory peasants pay all the taxes! Yeah Reaganomics! Whoo Hoo, can't wait to move my business overseas to India! AMERICA! F@*k YEAH!
this stuff goes down like cotton candy when compared with Obamas record.
We are not voting for President of the World. Keep going to class at the University Dennis. If your professors have their way with your young gullible minds….we may just have a president of the world someday.
What planet did all you Obama lovers come from?? Are you all deaf, duimb, and blind?? Do you not understand whats going on around you?? The housing market is not getting better nor is unemployment getting better!! Its a political lie like all the others told by Obama!! I cant believe you cant see whats right in front of you!!
Jeff…..whatever I like, take the other side. With that being said, I will abstain from choosing;-)
here's something you can understand … current Vegas odds showing Obama's over/under electoral college at 295.5 – of the five swing states left (OH, VA, FL, NH, CO), it appears Florida is breaking toward Romney, meaning Obama would need to win Ohio, Virginia and Colorado to have a chance at that 295.5 number … I think Obama will get to 270 (for winning purposes), but not 295.5 … you in for the under Dogman?
This must b Romneys poll. It depends on which poll you look at.
Well that's funny because just this morning Obama was ahead in the swing states that mattered. This must b Rommneys
These polls are all a big bunch of bullshit. They can manipulate the numbers however they like and it gives the liberal media something to talk about. We'll all know next Wednesday who the winner is, so until then keep wasting your time reading about who's going to win.
Count me in
Opps just read you were talking about Ann not Mitt.Wheeeew. I haven't heard her but anyone has to be better than Mitt!
Danny Bustamento~ Oh PLEASE don't let him sing! I've heard him and he's horrible. A speech conceding his loss and congratulating President Obama will be fine.
Yeah… and 538 blog (which combines all of the polls, trends, etc.) has Obama still leading, albeit by a narrow margin, in Colorado… I did my part!!
Why not put your money where your mouth is? Intrade has Obama at 64%
Learn how to spell.
Actually, I think it's Bush's fault. 😉
Check it out
According to – The Romney administration did turn over to state archivists hundreds of boxes of records, including memos, emails, and other communications among state agencies and cabinet members. However, the boxes containing those records were hand-picked and given over voluntarily by Romney's staff. It stands to reason that any embarrassing or revealing information—say, internal planning or deliberations about Romney's universal health care legislation—did not make it into the Romney administration's record dump.
Pam Wilmot, the director of Common Cause Massachusetts, the Bay State affiliate of the good-government lobbying group, says no previous administration went to the same lengths as Romney's to keep its communications secret from reporters and the public. "In retrospect, there does seem to be a substantial difference between [Romney's] administration and other administrations on transparency," We have – This is a truly shocking letter. This is exactly what really concerns me with Mitt taking office and the kind of influence the church will undoubtedly attempt to have on his presidency.
An apostle by the name of Delbert Stapley, at the time George Romney was governor, wrote as a "friend" and not in the capacity of a church authority, despite typing the letter on church letterhead. Basically saying, 'you're advocating rights for negros, but remember the curse!' 'People die of accidental drowning when they advocate rights for negros' (paraphrasing and slight exaggeration) Here's the letter (Thanks for digging this up):
Colorado-Utah Utah #1 most depressed state, #7 in suicide rate.
Doesn't surprise me. I've seen so many spirits broken by Mormonism in Utah County. It's that miserable, inhumane pursuit of perfection, and shame-based culture that drives people crazy. Reminds me of the movie, Peyton Place. It's all nice and calm, and so "perfect" white suburbia on the surface, but the deeper you go the darker secrets you find. I'm sure this is true in any community but to me what makes Utah stand out the most is how hard it tries to hide this. Can't hide statistics like depression and suicide.
BTW Andrea: I watched all four debates. I enjoyed watching Romney and Ryan kick ass!
Andrea Bullard Tell me why "Fearless Leader" has not been back to Israel since becoming President? He has been everywhere else! I am so glad that he went there on his own dime, that makes up for all of the Millions of dollars for vacations they have needlessly taken on our dime! Explain away the lies about the Terrorist attack on those four lives? What a class act or VP is. A man is accepting the body of his dead son, and he makes a comment about the size of the son's balls?????? Dillary Clinton assures the family that the maker of the video will be held accountable for their sons death? And the "Pied Piper leads the rest of his rats to their demise!
LOL thats based on the Rasmussen Poll. Have faith its not over until Ann Romney sings 🙂
Romney may win, but America will lose. So sad.
Not a racist….more like stupid! republicans win but the WORLD loses
hillarious but incorrect
It can't get any worse Chris…He isn't "ganna" make it worse than it "altready" is. Only O will if he is reelected. Open YOUR eyes Chris!
@Chris Gurule – You base this on "how many years experience of life before the cell phone?"
UUUMMMMM, Raul, Lilly Leadbetter act?…
Yvonne, read this:…in regards to what Mr Romney's financial plans will do to this country.
As far as Obama being "weak", the man is diplomatic and acknowledges that relationships, which is what "foreing affairs" is really all about, can't happen when there is a bullying dynamic in place. It's called being respectful…
"As far as Israel goes…read this… Bob, let me respond. If we’re going to talk about trips that we’ve taken — when I was a candidate for office, the first trip I took was to visit our troops. And when I went to Israel as a candidate, I didn’t take donors, I didn’t attend fundraisers. I went to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum there, to remind myself the nature of evil and why our bond with Israel will be unbreakable.
And then I went down to the border town of Sderot, which had experienced missiles raining down from Hamas. And I saw families there who showed me where missiles had come down near their children’s bedrooms, and I was reminded of what that would mean if those were my kids — which is why, as President, we funded an Iron Dome program to stop those missiles. So that’s how I’ve used my travels, when I traveled to Israel and when I traveled to the region."
This was a quote from the second debate. But I'm guessing you didn't hear this story because you seem to be so stuck in the lies that you've been fed by the mainstream sensationalists. Tell me, who owns Fox? Who owns CNN?
"When Obama went to Israel as a candidate, he went to show his solidarity with the Jewish state, and he went to learn and understand the reality of what life is like surrounded by enemies bent on that nation’s destruction. It was a powerful moment that should pop this silly notion that the president hates Israel. "
And if we are moving towards Socailism, it is not due to Obama's "secret plans". It would be due to the GOP's constant screwing of the middle class, and therefore a reaction to it!
Lindalee, I just want to point out that women still make less that men for the same job under the Obama administration. Look for your self. The White House currently is fostering this same thing as we speak. Just saying!!
31 straight months of job growth after coming into office when the U.S. was losing 800,000 jobs per week. Also the housing market is on a 6 year high.
Lindalee Cummings Johnson . We are victims of Obama's agenda. Why would you think the "World" would want Obama to win? Because they see him as no threat. He is the weak link in a chain that will make our Country vulnerable. Socialism is the direction of Obama. He is a crafty decepetive liar with backgrounds of mentoring from known Communists, and Socialists. His mouth is a constant fountain of Lies. Amazing that you find Obama's Foriegn Policy of Apologies for this Country, and a lack of interest for Israel, showing strength?
why, because he thinks your a victim, he has no clue on foreign policy, the world wants Obama to win, womens right to choose,to have equal pay will go back to the 50's, Medicare will go away, we'll pay higher taxes while the richer folks will get a tax break, regulations that are now in place will be reversed, and do you really want someone in that lies like he does?? He's pathetic.
Why do you think it will be worse with Romney?
I think nobody understand what romneys tryin to do he ganna make it qorse then it alteady is…. open your eyes people
Goodnight Barack!
Think at the array of excuses the Democraps will flood the media with: racists, the kiosks, the tsunami, the ATMs, Bush, Koch brothers, YouTube video, the altitude, the climate change, Netanyahu, John Kerry, Biden's bullying attitude, etc etc etc. Everything under the sun but the one major factor: their man was an incompetent hack, an ideologue bent on destroying America as we know it who tried to transform this country into another failed European model where slackers and free loaders depend on the Government to take from the hard working and the successful and give to the lazies and their cronies. Nov. 6th will finally close the door on one of America's worst chapters in history.
Cual dijo que era el estado clave?
I don't think so. You all might be called mis-guided, hyper-partisans, uncompromising, social evolutionists but NOT racists. LOL!
Won't it be great if this turns into a blowout and Romney wins by 8-10 points? Just wait, if that happens, we will all be called racists!
God bless America!!
O is on a downward spiral. This is going to be better than 1980!