Please.Shut.The.F$%^.Up.Secessionist.Morons. As America-loving conservatives, we have a simple message to those vacuous idiots who are petitioning for Colorado to secede from the United States of America because Obama won the election:
Get over it.
We’ll keep this short and sweet, as we don’t want to give the whack jobs any more of the attention they so clearly crave than is necessary to put them in their place.
When you lose an election you don’t take your ball and go home. You pick your broken a__ up off the ground and get back in the game.
Thankfully, it appears a good portion of the signatories aren’t even from Colorado, notes Westword’s Sam Levin :
A quick glance through the signatures on Colorado’s petition show that many of them are not residents of Colorado. In the most recent thirty at this writing, only three of them are listed as residents of Colorado — from Pueblo, Littleton and Denver.
As rock-ribbed conservative and Colorado Christian University President John Andrews told The Colorado Observer the petition effort is “infantile, absurd and politically suicidal….It sets a new world record for sore losers. Anyone who wants their state to secede from the union is someone whose brain has already seceded from their body.”
Do the conservative movement a favor folks, and tell the secessionist troglodytes to STFU.
How unbecoming of a conservative to deprive others of their first amendment.
Perhaps a better argument or a better option. The lack of which, casts you as part of the problem not part of the solution. These people who petition are not troglodytes. They are humans and citizens of our country. It is not a conservative value to dehumanize them — that's what socialists do.
To you, I suggest the development of a more constructive outlet for the energies of these disenfranchised. Perhaps as a people we can petition our governments for voter ID laws or the removal of paternal laws. When no one trusts the final count of elections, why do we vote at all? No wonder we have low turn outs. Laws on pot haven't stopped people smoking it just like distracted driving laws haven't stopped people making phone calls while driving. These are just a couple little t tyrannies that add up to big t Tyrannies.
Your writings are as unproductive and offensive as those petitions.
Losing an election is no reason to propose secession/revolution/leaving the country. Elections are the reset button in our nation. If the majority who voted didn't agree with your point of view, you don't throw a tantrum and make threats. You get to work on getting your point across in a way that those that would be receptive will listen. Secessionist nut jobs tend to engender the "tune out" part of the rational brain.
What does that even mean?"statist" is more descriptive.
Thank you! We have noone else to blame but ourselves. One of the most important fundamental of being a conservative is to CONSERVE The Republic!