While Republicans are busy pointing fingers about who “lost” the election, Democrats are quietly going about their business. This means that those on the left have already resumed their canvassing activities. Yes, you read that correctly, the ballots haven’t even been certified and Democrats are already walking neighborhoods under the guise of stopping fracking in the South Platte.
Getting beyond the inaccuracies of the propaganda distributed, the point is they’re distributing it.
Here are photos of the brochures they passed out:
How was the Obama ground game so strong this cycle? It wasn’t just OFA – it’s in the DNA of the left in Colorado. From environmental groups to labor unions and pure Democrat front groups like ProgressNow — and funded by donors with near bottomless bank accounts — liberals in Colorado have kept a constant campaign up for years. While the conservative movement and the Republican Party licks its wounds and fights amongst itself, the Left is already back at it.
Exactly. The left will always out-organize us; they have a community organizer as president after all.
No way Scott. We talked to him a few minutes and then he did the skeedaddle!
So did you sign it?
Yep, we had a visit from a young lad on pushing a petition for wind energy subsidies last night at our door.
Perhaps Romney's biggest mistake is to try to use the Reagan model in his campaign. We have a VERY different electorate. The gimmee gimmees now out number those who produce the wealth. We're killing the goose to get the golden eggs.
My apologies to my fellow citizens for not working harder in the last election. I live in Boulder County and have every confidence that we could have made the difference. B.O. has more skeletons in his closet that seats in Mile High Stadium. The GOP went to political battle but would not use the offense like the Dems do. They lied without mercy and charged Romney with every crime but sex crimes and many bought into it. We're so many panty-waist sissies. The GOP disgusts me. WE DON'T NEED TO LIE! The truth is more than enough. I thought surely no one, or almost no one, could be so stupid as to put this man back in office. Once is ignorance (even that is inexcuseable in this case ), twice is stupidity.
not making excuses for anyone here, but just show up next time…they will put you to work when they get to know you. I can't tell you HOW many phone calls I made to people who PROMISED to help and then were never available, yet if someone showed up at the office we were almost fighting over them!! Get involved in your area and hold their feet to the fire. I singed a few feathers in my local GOP office, but they knew I was sincere.
When Michelle Obama came to Fountain a month or so ago, there were 6-8 of us who welcomed her with a "romney" honk/wave. One of the police officers was asked by secret service how many protesters were there and and when he said 6-8 Republicans but no protestors, they said they thought there'd be more. I told the police officer to please tell secret service that the rest were AT WORK and couldn't take time off in the middle of the work week! Oh yeah, to replace myself at work that day, I brought in and paid for extra time for one of my employees to take my place.
Nathan, that's the problem…Republicans WORK!
Funny, I'm a life-long Republican now living in Georgia and now 100% disabled by a work injury. Having alot of free time, I volunteered to help republicans in my area. Said I would pass out flyers, put up signs, answer phones, whatever.Not one person returned my call or answered me in any way. What is wrong with my party?
Question? Review help wanted listings. These are a lot of paid "volunteers" and the money comes from somewhere. That is why they can campaign all the time. I agree with you Ben, but where does money come from to do that. Unless we find tons of volunteers that have nothing better to do. Everyone likes to help but not ALL the time.
If the Right doesn't invest in a corresponding Colorado infrastructure, and continues to focus only on the narrow window of election cycles, they will continue to demonstrate the old adage about insanity: repeating the same practice and expecting different results.