With new leadership comes new strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for ridicule.  Never has that been more true than with the selection of HD6 Democratic State Rep. Lois Court to head the Colorado State House Finance Committee.  Rep. Court has, on more than one occasion, professed her lack of skills in math (h/t Joshua Sharf).

Take this example in which Court tells her fellow House State, Vets, Military Affairs committee members that she and math “aren’t best friends” while debating Senate Bill 10-028 in 2010.  The question is whether a provision of this bill would incentivize employers to reduce hours for all employees as opposed to laying off one employee.

“…but that’s the whole point of insurance is to pool and we all support one another when that happens.  So, the whole of the insurance is whether or not everyone is going to pay for four people at 10% of time or one person at 100%, or you know, math and I aren’t best friends.” (the Peak emphasis)

It’s unfortunate that Court feels no affinity for “math” given her new mandate as chair of the Finance Committee, which deals quite a bit with math.  According to the Colorado State House web site:

“The House Finance Committee generally considers matters related to a broad range of public finance proposals including legislation that affects the state’s revenue and tax structure.  In addition, the committee has legislative oversight responsibility for the Public Employees’ Retirement Association, Department of Revenue, State Treasury, and the Office of State Planning and Budgeting.”

Sadly, that wasn’t the first time Court has struggled with 9th grade math.  During a separate committee hearing, Court tried to crowdsource the answer to 65 multiplied by five. (SPOILER: It’s 325)
Don’t you think basic arithmetic skills should be a prerequisite for heading up the Finance Committee? Or is that asking too much?

It seems odd that Democrats picked someone who repeatedly professes to be bad at math to head up their most math-focused committee.

Whenever Rep. Court throws out figures this year during budget debates, just remember, she and math “aren’t best friends.”