This woman defended herself from would-be carjackers, according to several web sites.
Perhaps Democrats in the Colorado State House Judiciary Committee have new polling data, or perhaps they really are being entirely arbitrary, but several Democratic State House members on the Judiciary Committee added an amendment to ban magazines over 15 rounds, instead of the ten-round ban originally proposed in HB1224.
It’s unclear what Democrats are trying to accomplish by increasing the number allowed in a magazine, nor do they have the full support of their caucus in forwarding this amendment. Democrat State House Rep. Rhonda Fields, who proposed HB1224, spoke out against the amendment, and even President Obama has suggested the ten-round limit. Why not a 12-round ban? Perhaps a 19-round ban? With the level of indecision and, quite frankly, the bungling of this entire issue by the Democrats, why not just pick any random number?
The only thing the now-15 round ban would limit is the ability of law abiding citizens to defend their homes and their property against intruders. There are countless examples of men and women who have protected themselves against home invasions with multiple perpetrators due to their ability to shoot more than once. Everyone wishes he or she always could shoot accurately, but when your life is on the line, it can be nerve wracking, and it might require a few bullets to appropriately immobilize an intruder… or three.
And you statist moonbats won't be happy until every American is completely helpless against the lawless.
Shawn, your comments on what the majority of Americans and NRA members want is male bovine excrement. You should stop drinking the kool aid. The Dems are in the process of giving control of both houses to the Rs in 2014. If Hickenlooper signs these anti gun bills, he, like his anti firearms predecessor, will be a one term Governor.
Dave, you only NEED 15 rounds.
I couldn't find any story about the woman pictured. Perhaps you can give us some links so we don't think this is some stock photo you put up.
Kelli Dalton – I love the constitution. Nobody's saying anything about taking your guns away. What the majority of Americans, Republicans and even NRA members want are universal background checks. The majority of Americans also want restrictions on assault rifles and magazine or clip sizes. When politicians actually listen to the majority, that's called democracy. If you don't like it, maybe you should move to North Korea, Kansas or Texas.
they still have Magpull's statement that if the bill passes and is signed, Magpul will leave Colorado.
Waitaminit, I thought they were shooting (pun intended) for a ten round limit? Boy they are backing off fast aren't they? I guess they don't have Shawn Rosvolds determination to make us victims.
S Rosvold, If you don't like the Constitution of The United States of America or The Constitution of Colorado and The Bill of Rights, you are more than free to move your happy little nut job yourself and lake your crazy lefty nuts with you… right over to France! You want to take my right to defend myself away, what's your cry baby little self going to do when the government takes your right to speak away? What are you going to do when the gov't takes your food away? They already have almost full control on edibles now. Man, get outta here.
idiocracy. fire them all.
Wow! You'd think you right wing nutters would be happy having 15 rounds instead of 10. But nothing will make you guys happy until everybody is packing heat, and everyone has a basement bazooka and a drone parked in every driveway.
We know who voted to restrict our ability to defend ourselves and our families and we will remember in 2014.