A tough week for Speaker Mark Ferrandino and House Democrats went from bad to worse as negative national attention again focused on House Democrats.
After being blasted for more than a week about freshman State Rep. Joe Salazar’s (D-Thornton) demeaning comments about college women and his belief that they “don’t know if they’re going to be raped,” Mark Ferrandino and his Democrats were admonished again by national pundits for pandering to pedophiles by killing legislation that would have created mandatory minimum sentences for criminals who are found guilty of violent sex offenses against children.
As we reported earlier, Ferrandino came under fire from Bill O’Reilly and Colorado State Rep. Libby Szabo (R-Arvada) who was a guest on his show. O’Reilly took it straight to Ferrandino, making a point to emphasize that Speaker Ferrandino directed the death of Jessica’s Law by sending it to his personal “kill committee.”
Today, some House Democrats, after a weekend of watching their “leader” and their caucus again pummeled on the national stage, apparently have asked the question aloud to Democratic lobbyists whether he’s up to the task. We’ve openly speculated whether Ferrandino is truly in charge, or whether, as some have noted, that Speaker Pro-Tem Claire Levy and Majority Leader Dicky Lee “Velma” Hullinghorst are calling the shots.
Either way, House Democratic leadership should be concerned about the potential for insurrection from a freshman class that we hear is bristling under the too-tight-reigns of House Democratic leadership.
Between the overreaching gun grab pushed by Ferrandino, to his mismanagement bordering on malpractice of criminal justice issues, it’s no wonder that House Democrats returned on Monday with serious questions for Ferrandino and his lackeys.
It is shameful that Jessica's Law has been ignored. Even in our prisons the lowest life form is a child molester. Unless of course you live in Colorado where Liberals in the House of Representatives ignores the issue.
He says fire a couple warning shots with your double barrel.
And themselves. Many Like myself will hold them responsible for their votes and what comes out of their mouths. Love that their actions are being highlighted nationally. You pay to play. Let's see who gets re elected 🙂
The Democrats in at least the state House, are embarrasing Colorado.
Look at her profile. She's a pot head without any sense.
Michelle, your an idiot just like Farrandino. And he is pandering to pedophiles by killing this legislation. He should be voted out along with his democratic party. The Democratic Party is ruining this state and most of them live in Denver or Boulder. TAKE YOUR NONSENSE TO VERMONT WHERE YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH YOUR LIBERAL IDEAS.
so joe wants to punish law abiding gun owners but not punish those who harm children?????
Manditory sentencing is bad for criminals that don't want to go to jail. Good for the protection of children and victims. The dems pass manditory sentensing all the time, 3 strikes law, drug laws etc….
Those who elected you are 77% in favor of this law. http://www.change.org/petitions/colorado-legislators-enact-jessica-s-law-in-colorado
So I guess Michelle you feel the same way about all of this reactionary antigun control legislation being shoved right through?
Same on you. Little children need protection 2 years min.? Wow.
Mandatory sentencing is bad, reactionary law…there's plenty on the books….Hurrah for the Dems sticking together! Stand strong against the "pundits!" They did not elect you!