Yesterday, our friends at left-wing Colorado Pols took a rare shot at the Democrats’ likely nominee for the 6th Congressional District, Andrew Romanoff.

Mocking an email that went out April 26 on his behalf from the campaign of Governor John Hickenlooper, Colorado Pols deemed it “perhaps the weirdest email of support for a candidate that we have ever seen.”

From Pols:

There are only two links in the text, and both take you to a page where you can unsubscribe from Romanoff’s email list. We’ve never seen an unsubscribe option so prominently placed in an email of support, particularly when that email comes from someone else. This point bears repeating: The email is from John Hickenlooper’s campaign, but the only actionable links take you to Romanoff’s website, where you can unsubscribe from his list. You can only unsubscribe from Hickenlooper’s email list if you click on the link at the very bottom of the email.

There is a small contribution button at the end of the email, which is nice…except that it takes you to a contribution page for Hickenlooper for Colorado. The entire email is about Andrew Romanoff’s campaign for congress, but there is NO included option to do anything positive to support him. WTF?


It appears Colorado Pols isn’t on Democratic Congressman Ed Perlmutter’s email list, because he sent the same email on Romanoff’s behalf only a week earlier, on April 19.

Just as with Hickenlooper’s email, the email from Perlmutter has only two prominent links in the body of the email and both go to pages that unsubscribe you from Romanoff’s email list.

Oh, and the big “Contribute” button in red at the bottom? That cash ends up in Perlmutter’s coffers, not Andy’s.

At the end of their rebuke of a fellow Democrat, Pols insists a mistake must have been made — almost hinting it was Hick’s fault. Yes, Pols, mistakes were made. And the common theme is Andy Romanoff’s campaign.

(full Perlmutter/Romanoff email below)