Well, that was quick. Former Rhode Island Senate candidate, Steve Laffey, announces the end to his ever-so-brief gubernatorial run. Full letter after the jump, where he essentially endorses Tom Tancredo.
From the desk of Steve Laffey
Press Release, May 24th, 2013
After Tom’s entrance into the Governor’s race yesterday, I consulted with my wife and close friends. After discussion and prayer I have decided to withdraw from the 2014 Governor’s race in Colorado.
I have been in two contentious primaries, against people with whom I disagreed immensely and were leading us in the wrong direction. When I entered this race there was no one else who had the capability to bring the case for Limited Government, Freedom and Jobs to the people of Colorado. In this case, Tom and I agree on much, plus he is a good and honorable man, has a great background for the job, and will work towards producing more freedom for the people of Colorado.
That would leave us with a divisive primary, arguing over mostly non-issues, splitting the fundraising in Colorado so that little is left for the general election (given Colorado’s restrictive campaign laws), and dividing the Republican Party— ending with, for different reasons, the same disastrous results in 2014. Tom stepped in in 2010 on strong principled reasons; this will give a Republican the best chance to win in November.
This decision is best for Colorado.
Yours in Freedom,
Steve Laffey
I believe he has a committee to run for US Senate registered on the FEC site.
wow what a nut bag!
This is very admirable. I have great respect for Mr. Laffey and his stand. What the party needs is unity, not divisiveness. Let's find one solid candidate we can all rally around, avoid the bruising attacks of a primary contest (where we hand the opponents all the ammo they need) and present a solidified front against the puppet Hickenlooper.