You may have missed the avalanche of pro-Amendment 66 Facebook ads (are you living under a rock?). But, Coloradans for Real Education Reform have released a few of their own on Facebook to refute the false claims that Colorado Commits to Kids has been spewing. See below for an example. Share on Facebook with your friends and family in Colorado. Coloradans deserve to know the facts before they fill out their ballots. Learn more here.
I seem to recall a recent incident involving a school district attempting to hide, with some accounting tricks, MILLIONS of dollars. Tell me again why we need to pass 66???
A little late. Got my ballot yesterday and already voted.
All campaigns need to come to grip with election timing now that we have mail ballots.
How about accountability within current fiscal constraints? If our kids cannot read upon graduation… they shouldn't be funding teachers pensions with tax payer dollars!
So other than saying NO, again, what are the conservatives actually proposing as 'real reform.'