A Denver administrative law judge, Democrat Hollyce Farrell, this week threw out five of the six complaints filed by Colorado’s sorest loser, pro-union defeated Douglas County School Board candidate Julie Keim. According to a statement from Douglas County School Board president Kevin Larsen, the judge’s ruling on the five dismissed complaints was so definitive that the school board intends to seek repayment for its legal fees. The district also plans to appeal the judge’s ruling on the lone violation, citing a misinterpretation of the law by the judge. Keim asserted that a Douglas County School Board report about how well its policies were working, which was paid for partially by a grant and partially by the school district, violated Colorado’s Fair Campaign Practices.
According to Larsen:
“The Judge seems to have concluded that it is a violation of law anytime the district disseminates positive news involving its education policy agenda if there are also candidates for school board who support that agenda. The district does not agree with that interpretation of law.
This Administrative Law Judge’s interpretation is that the district cannot release information about the district if a candidate is running- or may decide to run in the future – and agrees with that information. We do not believe this is what the law states, as it would silence all public entities for months on end. This would effectively muzzle all public bodies in the future.”
Of course the unions might be feeling a little frustrated by the outcomes of all the races throughout Colorado. They blew through a ridiculous amount of money. By EdNews Colorado‘s account, unions gave at least $260,000 to the school board races in Douglas County. That’s in addition to the more than four million dollars unions ponied up to fight Amendment 66 and the more than $30,000 unions gave to ineligible Adams County school board candidate Amy Speers. And, now, unions may be on the hook for legal fees resulting from this failed attempt to smear the more-effective-without-undue-union influence Douglas County School Board.
Pssst, pssst, hey union thugs, your ability to blow amazing amount of cash on absolutely nothing may be why national (and Colorado) union membership is at its lowest levels in recorded history. If we were teachers, we’d be furious that unions took our hard-earned dollars and flushed them down the toilet. But, hey, who are we to judge?
Steph Brink https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=659368950773353&set=a.552711211439128.1073741828.552708068106109&type=1
Uh, read ADMINISTRATIVE JUDGE, not Criminal or Civil court judge.
Apparently you 'conveniently' read over the $260,000 figure that Keim and her cronies received from the Unions.
Steph Brink 1: Bite me. You sound and act like a Liberal/Progressive. 2: Maybe I should have included a crying towel with the Butt-Hurt form.
I don't look DOWN on so called uneducated people Steph Brink. However, I do have a problem with educated Idiots that went to college, but are dumber than a rock. The Educated Idiot feels like he/she is smart, but they screw up everything they get involved in. They have a hard time getting dressed, driving a car, or eating.
Clay Watts – In your previous post you called my wife an idiot for not providing proof….clearly you failed to do your own due diligence by not reading the judge's ruling and are therefore ignorant. While I appreciate your combat service to our Nation during Desert Storm, as a veteran myself with 21 months of combat service in Iraq and Afghanistan, I respectfully request that you change your profile picture/graphic when name calling and spewing uninformed views as it is an embarrassment to the rest of us.
I believe it was $18,000 from Douglas County residents. In addition, you would also be wrong that these are comments made by liberals. Again, please educate yourself.
Amazing! All of this posted on a CONSERVATIVE page, and all we get is Progressive/Liberal whiners and Union Shills commenting. Colorado Peak Politics needs to raise the standard for posting!
Ugh…. I can't even read it. The district wants to be reimbursed for legal fees?? I was DCEF reimbursed from Bill Bennet's speech!
Pretty sure if you are found guilty on one count of a crime, you are guilty.
I love it! The Union Shills and Minions spent 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars to put in their Mouth piece and lost. I like the BOE's answer to the Judges ruling.
Question: were they guilty of any charges? Yes.
Clay Watts Remain ignorant if you'd like. That's your choice.
Clay Watts, remain ignorant if you'd like. That's your choice.
Steph Brink I'll issue you a Butt hurt form later.
Jason Virdin Don't care what you say, you lost. Live with it.
Clay, do your homework or remain a fool. "The ALJ finds that the District spent public to influence the outcome of the Board election when it commissioned and paid $15,000 for the Hess Report."
It's tough to compete fairly with a woman who is harder working and much smarter.
Oh wait… One out of six. So much better
C'mon Steph… They only broke the law one out of five times.
I encourage Clay to read the judge's ruling in this case. Your bully behavior, Clay, is unbecoming of you and proves you don't know what the judge ruled on. I won't be continuing engaging in conversation with those who decide to remain uneducated.
Ummmm… Clay. The proof is the judgement on this case. Your name calling falls right in line with this uneducated and biased article. 🙂
BIG BS flag on you! YOU LOST!
Seriously, you make this assertion and do not provide proof? You must be an idiot!
I imagine there will be a new copy of The Colorado Observer in my mailbox any day now. Anonymity is the best way to spread fallacies.
What a slant. Talk about lack of independent thought. Simple fact: DCSD Kids Lose with this Board and Administration. They lie, cheat and do anything to remain in "power."
What a cute, silly little article this is. So ignorant to not mention that $15,000 of Colorado taxpayer money was unethically allocated. Come on. Be educated.