SIX DEGREES OF LOUIS BACON: Salazar PAC Benefactor Has Bloomberg Ties

Surprise, surprise.  Former U.S. Secretary of the Interior and former U.S. Senator Ken Salazar has teamed up with billionaire conservationist Louis Bacon to form America’s Conservation PAC.  And, wouldn’t you know it, but Louis Bacon is BFF with another billionaire...

PeakFeed: Great Ads Don’t Undermine Product Messaging

We already wrote a piece on ProgressNow’s admission that their (Westword titled) “hosurance” ads were terrible.  But, we thought it was worth highlighting how messaging used in another new ProgressNow/CCHI ad undermines Obamacare – the program...

ABUSE OF GENEROSITY: Colorado Gives…to Political Organizations?

Yesterday was Colorado Gives Day.  It’s a great opportunity to give to charities that help the neediest of Coloradans – and for those charities to receive matching funds.  In fact, the event raised over $20 million dollars for Colorado nonprofits,...