Here’s the Colorado Democrats’ tip sheet … what they say they’ll run on.
#1. GUNS. Even Hickenlooper says restricting rights doesn’t always “make a difference at all” in preventing crazy violence. Yet, liberals think restricting rights is a winner; it’s also #6.
#2. More DEPENDENCY. In CD6, they offer government giveaways. Republicans will promote opportunity … since Democrats’ big spending hasn’t restored the American dream.
#3. STALE issues. Call Republican candidates “stale” so nobody notices the Democrats’ moldy mantra of liberal issues.
#4. DEMOCRATIC OVERREACH. Preserve 2013’s shark-jumping agenda to keep activist/liberal Democrats engaged. Liberals ignore that 52% of Coloradans (offering opinions) disapprove of Dems’ leadership now while 68% approved before. [here and here]
#5. FRACKING. With fewer than 40% opposed to fracking in Colorado, liberals plan a no-fracking ballot initiative to boost turnout. Republicans have the energy jobs card.
#7. IMPROPRIETIES. Character assassination is high on Dems’ list of campaign tactics. Republicans don’t need mud-slinging given Dems’ flops.
#8. TAXES (A66). With Hickenlooper leading Democrats to a two-to-one defeat on higher taxes, Republicans will promise to protect Coloradans’ pocketbooks.
#9. OUTSIDE CASH. Dems love Eastern liberal cash. Those fat cats, however, expect Westerners to toe the liberal line in everything and that emphasizes Hickenlooper’s Eastern wealthy background. Republicans better reflect Western values.
#10. SEX POLITICS. Democrats cherish this tactic, what with moving gay marriage from ballot box to courtroom. With original womens liberationists and the war on poverty (with its gender bent) both getting gray, Republicans can focus on sex crimes, trafficking and child abuse.
The real shocker is what’s missing on the Dems’ tip sheet.
Dems have no plans to fix our economy or help Coloradans who have given up – under the Democrats’ fumbling – on getting a decent job (instead of welfare checks). Republicans can say, “Your jobs programs grew the bureaucracy instead of growing job opportunities.”
[H/T to ColoradoPols for releasing Dems’ lame list of campaign themes. Note that Hick’s statements and purported positions are being ignored by Democratic planners.]
Oh no! Women Liberationists!