Over the weekend, Jason Clark backed out of the Republican primary for the Governor’s race and threw his support behind Republican Bob Beauprez, who is expected to announce his candidacy in 5…4…3…2….
From Clark’s Facebook post:
Jason R. Clark To Tom, Scott, Greg, Mike, Steve, and Roni – “Quit Today and Back Beauprez!”. It is with no hesitation whatsoever that I am suspending my campaign for Governor of Colorado to back Bob Beauprez and his candidacy for the office. If Bob Beauprez does indeed announce he will seek the Republican nomination, then all other candidates should “Quit Today and Back Beauprez!”. Bob Beauprez is clearly the only GOP candidate that can be a formidable competitive choice v. incumbent Lib John Hickenlooper (D). As I stated in my announcement, this isn’t about me, it’s about Colorado. Bob Beauprez (R) can make us all winners. With that, I exit, stage left. OUT!!!! #ltgovernor #beauprez4gov #copolitics #KDVR #denverpost
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” Harry S. Truman
Just as Clark was devising Beauprez’s new campaign slogan (“Quit Today and Back Beauprez”), it was dawning on us who Clark most resembled.
The intense delivery. The thousand-yard stare. The feeling that at any moment they may pick up one of their opponents and choke-slam them through a table. Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Jason Clark is none other than Professional Hero (and ‘Murican treasure) Kurt Angle.
We would have enjoyed the …intense… campaign that Angle Clark would have run, but we’re grateful for one fewer gubernatorial candidate to follow.
“Quit Today and Back Beauprez” that statement seems awful familiar….. like I have read one very similar recently on this very site…. just can't place it….. 🙂
I am so grateful for the integrity of our Caucasus chair. He did an awesome job of NOT playing the favorites game and gave EVERYONE, regardless of how small the voice, an opportunity to be heard- and he listed EVERY candidate, despite how irrelevant they were to the rest of us. That is what caucus is about.
What no straw poll for Mr Irrelevant?
He was so MR. Irrelevant, I did not even list him on my Straw poll sheet for caucus tonight!
Announced. Past tense.