A KDVR report this morning outlined the lay of land in Colorado’s Republican gubernatorial primary. Here’s who’s left: Bob Beauprez, Scott Gessler, Mike Kopp, and Tom Tancredo. Relax, it’s in alphabetical order. While we’re waiting to see if Beauprez makes the ballot and Kopp can transform the wind at his back into cash, a most interesting rumor popped up – KDVR is reporting that Tom Tancredo is considering a position as the Superintendent of Jeffco Schools.
This might be wishful thinking for some, but is Tancredo actually considering it? PeakNation™, you may not know this, but Tancredo actually was a high school civics teacher for some time before launching his political career, so it’s not as random as one might think. Here’s what unidentified Republicans that KDVR interviewed for the story think about the possibility:
“This would be a controversial hire, and I don’t know that it helps them accomplish what they want out there,” another Republican said. “Douglas County is the model for reforming schools and that board did it by picking its fights wisely and not courting unnecessary controversy.
“The Douglas County reformers never really gave their opponents anything extraneous to latch onto. For better or worse, ‘the Tanc’ has made a career of extraneous controversy….”
“…Tancredo is looking for a way out,” one said. “It isn’t just the party that would like him to get out; I have heard he needs a job and doesn’t relish going through a four-way primary.”
We’ve asked Tancredo to comment on the rumors. Here’s what he said:
“Absolutely false. Joked that running the state of CO would be easier than running Jeffco schools. My guess this is someone (party insiders) wants to slow my momentum.”
So, there you have it PeakNation™, from the horse’s mouth. Rumor is false.
When are these story tellers going to start publishing real news? Honest and truthful reporting would be nice. And Eli, how about asking Tom Tancredo directly about his plans instead of going and getting the RINO story tellers to give you false information that only continues your erroneous reporting. Now that would be a first!