Rep. Cory Gardner is pushing back on the narrative that the GOP is the ‘party of no’ by successfully introducing and passing an amendment to fund rural healthcare programs. From Gardner’s release:
“In eastern and western Colorado, people often find themselves hundreds of miles and hours away from specialized medical services, trauma centers, and oncology centers,” said Gardner. “We are blessed with extraordinary primary care physicians, but they are often need help with the necessary resources to treat specialized cases. My amendment gives physicians in rural areas the tools they need to provide patients access to the best possible healthcare. Additionally, my amendment provides support for distance learning services, so that students will not miss out on educational opportunities simply because of their location. By increasing funding for Telemedicine and Distance Learning Services, we are giving rural communities the tools they need to thrive.”
With Obamacare stuck as the law of the land (for now), it is important for Republicans to do more than just vote to repeal it. If they ever have any hope of replacing it, they need to implement their own healthcare ideas as well. Gardner is accomplishing just that, and in the process, he is proving the GOP is also a party that can take action.