File this away in the category of headlines that surprised no one and sh*t we all saw coming: “Employers shifting health-care costs to employees”
The Northern Colorado Business Report highlighted a new study that shows employees’ health insurance costs rose by 6 percent in 2014, while employers’ costs rose by 5.4 percent. Sadly, the resounding response to this is news is “well, duh.” Everyone but President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Sen. Mark Udall knew that Obamacare was going to cause health insurance premiums to skyrocket.
Greeley-based insurance broker Scott Rankin told the NCBR “the renewals he has seen so far for 2015 show premium increases as high as 50 percent for an Affordable Care Act-compliant plan….” (Peak emphasis)
FIFTY PERCENT! That is outrageous. If you’re a small business owner there is no way you can absorb that kind of increase. Rankin even admits that “some employers have stopped providing benefits altogether.”
Someone should probably tell Udall that all the bragging he does on his website about how Obamacare is helping families and small businesses is just as big a lie as when told people if they like their plan, they can keep their plan.