PeakNation™, truth is stranger than fiction.  In the video below KMGH-CO reports on how Sen. Mark Udall, Gov. John Hickenlooper, and Prof. Carpet Bagger Andrew Romanoff are each avoiding President Obama when he stops in Colorado later tonight and tomorrow.  Things get weird around the 28 second mark when KMGH-CO throws up a tri-split screen with Udall on the left (of course he would be), Romanoff on the right (for once in his life), which means Hickenlooper is in the middle.  Now, we don’t know for sure, this could be footage of Hickenlooper leading Denverites in their traditional post-championship riot, but since we haven’t won anything in a while (Thanks Obama!), perhaps Hick went overseas to get his bloodlust riot fix.  We can’t be sure if this is what a scene looks like before Hickenlooper has invited everyone to sit down and have a beer, or after he has joined them in having a few too many.