“If you win, I win.”
The Washington Post has an interesting article today, which shouldn’t bring too much joy to Sen. Mark Udall’s campaign (then again, not much is nowadays). In the article The WaPo basically states if either Colorado or Iowa goes Republican, Sen. Harry Reid’s reign as the leader of the Senate is essentially over. Yep, you can add “a vote for Udall is a vote for Harry Reid” to the already-known “a vote for Udall is a vote for Obama.”
Now remember, Republicans thought they had a clear path to the six Senate seats needed for a victory even without these states… it’s hard to see how the Democrats could hold the Senate if they lose either — and surely if they lose both — Iowa and Colorado. [the Peak’s emphasis]
Even if Udall hadn’t spent the last six years doing essentially nothing for Coloradans, he’d still have a hard time winning reelection when all signs point to him being basically a clone of Harry Reid and Obama. (Maybe clone isn’t the right word… lovechild?)
To boot, the liberal WaPo has also taken notice of how strong of an opponent Udall has in Rep. Cory Gardner:
Colorado Republicans got a high-quality candidate when Garner not only decided to run but cleared out other Republican opposition. He’s been on the offensive — battering Udall on Obamacare and on the Keystone XL Pipeline. [the Peak’s emphasis]
We’re not exactly sure who “Garner” is, but surely the WaPo will learn how to spell GarDner’s name when he goes from being one of 435, to just one of 100.
The fact that Udall and his liberal outside groups have already tossed millions of dollars against Gardner trying to tear him down, and yet, the view from a liberal paper is that Gardner is still on the offensive, has got to be a gut punch to them. Udall’s already pretty much thrown the kitchen sink at Gardner, and it hasn’t been enough. With Udall only having blanks left to fire, we are beginning to wonder when the outside money will begin to dry up. We know liberals love to spend other people’s money, but when it comes to their own, they can be quite stingy; and, a lost cause is a lost cause.
As for Gardner, The WaPo lays out what he needs to do to take this lead through election day:
…both Republicans will need to keep on the offensive, rebut the onslaught of attack ads coming their way and present a responsible, positive set of policies they’d be willing to support. If they do, one or both of them are likely to win (both incumbents are well below 50 percent). And with that will go the Democratic majority. [the Peak’s emphasis]
Say it with us PeakNation™: “and with that will go the Democratic majority.”
Gardner has my vote. My husband's insurance was cancelled twice. Udall says he would vote for ObamaCare again if given the chance. Udall is out of touch and it's time for a change. His continual pandering to women is another big turn off for me.