Look, there’s nothing more we can add to the conversation about State Sen. Steve King than what the Denver Post already covered.
Look, there’s nothing more we can add to the conversation about State Sen. Steve King than what the Denver Post already covered.
Geez. felon Rhonda Fields was charged with felonies. Where are the stories on her???
Went to Alan's Facebook page, and yep, he's a Kalifornia Immigrant. It amazes me, people like Alan F**k up their state of origin, leave it because they F**k it up and then try to do the very same thing in the state they move to! Doesn't anyone remember the old saying; "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Alan Franklin, just as soon as the DP decides to make public the faults and crimes that People know the Democrats commit, CPP will do the same with the 'R's. This is a Conservative page, so why don't you crawl back into the Troll Hole (septic tank) you were birthed in and shut up.
Something tells me that if Steve King didn't have an (R) after his name, you'd have "more to add."