A newly released survey by the Colorado Women’s Alliance proved what we have been saying for months: the so-called war on women is finally starting to backfire. From The Colorado Observer:
…results of polling indicating that 77 percent of women voters surveyed “clearly see through the so-called Democrat ‘War on Women’ messaging strategy,” according to Magellan Strategies [the pollster].
Those weren’t just staunch Republican women. The poll, conducted June 3-4, targeted 500 women viewed as swing voters: registered independents, Republican-leaning independents, and “soft” Republican voters.
The poll also found that “67 percent of respondents agree that women in America do not fear a government bureaucrat taking birth control away from them, but what they fear are politicians using the issue of access to birth control as a political tactic to scare them into a voting a certain way.”
It was only a matter of time before women started to catch on to the left’s manic scare tactics. Birth control is not under attack, so liberals need to calm the heck down. In fact, you’ve got Cory Gardner – a Republican candidate for U.S. Senate – advocating that birth control pills should be sold over the counter.
The hysterical ‘war on women’ has finally turned into overkill, and it’s going to hurt the Mark Udalls of the world who think it’s the lynchpin to victory.
I have little respect for anyone that votes with their Private Parts instead of their Brain.
They seem to forget that the over 30 crowd always had to buy their own…..No, not buying into their tactics.