Last night, U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman and his Sixth Congressional District opponent sparred at the 9News debate.  The biggest question that Romanoff has yet to answer is exactly where he stands on health care reform.  He still didn’t answer the question last night.  Here’s a clip from the debate:

A transcript:

Coffman: Three weeks ago, you were for a public option and you were for a government-run healthcare system.  And, I understand that three weeks ago you changed, and now you’re just for Obamacare.   Being for Obamacare, I want to ask you a question: Would you vote to repeal the individual mandate in Washington, D.C. if you were elected?

Romanoff: If this is what no labels looks like, I wonder what a label would be. The truth is that we ought to be fixing the Affordable Care Act, not simply repealing it, and not allowing insurance companies to discriminate on the basis of pre-existing conditions or charging women more than men, or throwing people off the rolls when they get sick.  That doesn’t make healthcare more affordable or more secure.  What we need instead is for Democrats and Republicans to take on the insurance industry, hold them accountable, lower rates, and help more families get access to the care they need.

Coffman: So, the answer is no?

Romanoff: I just gave you the answer Congressman. Stop asking me questions I don’t want to answer.

Coffman: No you didn’t.

Romanoff: We haven’t gotten any answers from this Congressman. I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.

Coffman: So, the answer is no, you will not repeal the individual mandate.

Here’s what’s hilarious.  Despite Romanoff claiming to not accept PAC dollars, he does benefit from PACs as the House Majority PAC has been carrying out negative attacks on his behalf, as we pointed out yesterday.  Who do you think funds HMP?  Well, the PAC regularly receives donations from the New Democrat Coalition as well as the BlueDog PAC.  And, who funds those PACs?  America’s Health Insurance Plans for one, to the tune of $10,000 per organization.  So, Romanoff can talk a big game about representatives divorcing themselves from the influence of the health insurance industry, but he’s a beneficiary of its funds.

Next, can Coloradans trust Romanoff to take a stand this critically important issue when he’s all over the place?  Whichever way the wind blows is where he stakes his claim. Until the wind shifts, that is.

Another thing that’s funny.  Romanoff suggested that insurance companies could charge women more than men.  Not here in Colorado. thanks to Mike Coffman, who passed legislation forbidding the practice.

And, finally, we see the real Romanoff emerge again.  It’s the guy who lobs personal attacks when he’s backed into a corner, the guy who says “if this is what no labels looks like” or “we haven’t gotten answers from this Congressman”.  The truth is that Coffman has been praised for his bipartisan efforts and he’s answered plenty.  It’s Andrew Romanoff who has some explaining to do.