Happy Election Day, PeakNation! This morning showed tightening in the statewide ballot returns, but Republicans’ lead remains substantial at about 117,000, according to the Secretary of State. Of course, that does not account for votes cast by unaffiliateds, who have turned in 433,648 ballots thus far. In the past two election cycles, it appears that around 60% of Unaffiliateds voted with Democrats. But, in the past two cycles, Republicans had a catastrophic top of the ticket (in 2010) and went up against the Obama machine (in 2012). It’s unclear at this point whether the Democrats’ ground game is matching 2012. With the current numbers, it would appear no, but the day is still young.
Remember, get your ballots in – but don’t mail them in. Saturday was the mail-in cutoff. It is now critical to walk your ballot in to the nearest ballot deposit location, which can be found here.
Statewide (TOTAL: 1,607,220):
D: 519,225 (32.3%)
R: 636,223 (39.6%)
U: 433,648 (27.0%)
Below are the ballot returns for Jefferson and Arapahoe Counties – two of the most watched counties in the country. We also added Denver and its counterpart El Paso County.
Jefferson County (Total: 205,415)
D: 64,999 (31.6%)
R: 78,100 (38.0%)
U: 60,251 (29.3%)
Arapahoe County (Total: 175,812)
D: 58,664 (33.4%)
R: 68,844 (39.2%)
U: 46,593 (26.5%)
Denver County (Total: 167,711)
D: 89,209 (53.2%)
R: 32,021 (19.1%)
U: 44,264 (26.4%)
El Paso County (Total: 188,745)
D: 39,089 (20.7%)
R: 99,066 (52.5%)
U: 48,095 (25.5%)
This election is going to be decided TODAY. What is clear is that Hickenlooper is doing as well as he is going to which is not going to be good enough. The question is how many of those Unaffiliated and protest Democrat ballots say Mayor Mike Dunafon – Glendale, CO for Governor. I know mine does from right here in Boulder!
This election is going to be decided TODAY. What is clear is that Hickenlooper is doing as well as he is going to which is not going to be good enough. The question is how many of those Unaffiliated and protest Democrat ballots say Mayor Mike Dunafon – Glendale, CO for Governor. I know mine does from right here in Boulder!