UPDATE: Peter Marcus has reached out to us to clarify his tweet, writing: “The tweet referred to the long days ahead at the legislature, which will make many of us cry.”
Marcus also pointed to some of his recent stories on Republicans as evidence that he is fair in his coverage of the GOP. You can read those here and here and here.
While we aren’t the only ones who interpreted Marcus’s tweet in a negative way (such are the potential consequences of using social media), we will take him at his word that it was truly a joke.
Media bias towards liberals and liberal causes has been well documented, and it seems that with every passing day reporters are hiding their true feelings less and less. Many have even given up entirely on trying to appear unbiased. Take Peter Marcus of The Durango Herald, for example. Here’s what Marcus had to say about the new GOP majority in the Senate before incoming President Bill Cadman even took hold of the gavel:
Crying baby takes over Senate #coleg chamber. That baby must know what’s coming. #copolitics
— Peter Marcus (@MediaMarcus) January 7, 2015
What exactly do you think is coming, Peter? You’re making quite the assumption, which can only be viewed as unfair and, frankly, unprofessional. Don’t get us wrong, reporters are allowed to have opinions. But maybe it’s time for Peter Marcus to get a new beat. He is obviously incapable of fairly covering the new GOP majority in the Senate.
Shorter Peak Politics: #sorrynotsorry
The tweet was a joke about the long days and nights ahead in the legislature, which will make many of us cry. There was a baby crying. I joked that we'll all be crying with the long days ahead.