Our friends over at Complete Colorado have a great piece up about the never-ending embarrassment of the Jeffco Teachers Union and its supporters.
At last week’s board meeting, a group with close ties to the union had one of its representatives disrupt the meeting by delivering a petition to the board accusing them of lying to the community. Big win, right? Except, as Complete points out, there were multiple problems with the petition:
… The online organization MoveOn.org collected the signatures. The platform allows anyone to sign the petition without verifying the information. In this case, many of the signatures have addresses outside Jefferson County, and it’s possible that some were also fictitious, as the voter’s information is not verified. It is also possible that only a small portion of the signatures belonged to registered voters in the Jeffco school district, who would have any impact on a potential recall effort.
There was the added issue that the speaker completely misrepresented herself and actually lied about what she was going to say during her testimony. That is a great strategy for making scenes but not for being taken seriously.
This humiliation comes on the heels of another incident we wrote about last week that involves a union backed group reneging on awarding the pro-reform majority on the board a “Scrooge of the Year Award.” Super embarrassing considering the heavy promotion of the award and the lack of explanation as to why it was tabled.