After several high-profile accusations of police brutality and related high-dollar settlements, the Denver Police Department has issued a Request for Proposal to outfit each of its 1,450 uniformed police officers with a body camera, according to a tip from a member of PeakNation™. From the RFP:
“The Denver Police Department (DPD) requires a cloud hosted, flexible, reliable and weather resistant, body worn video camera system, for a department of 1450 sworn officers. This camera is to be simple to use and have the capability to store all recorded video evidence in a Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) compliant cloud environment.
The DPD desires to assign each officer a complete camera system.”
The RFP specifies that the camera should be the Taser Axon Flex Kit. The camera kits and accessories alone could cost around $1,466,820 for the 1,200 requested.
The City and County of Denver issued the RFP on January 23rd, just days before a tentative $860,000 settlement between Denver and James Moore, who was allegedly beaten by police officer Shawn Miller on the 16th Street Mall, was leaked to the press. The City and County of Denver would not comment on the proposed settlement because it was not final as the City Council must vote on all settlements over $5,000.
Unfortunately, the proposed $860,000 settlement is not the only police brutality settlement coming out of the City and County of Denver. The Denver Post reports that Denver has paid nearly $15 million in settlements, so nearly $1.5 million in body cameras seems like a relative bargain.