Not only is fractivist fanatic Cliff Wilmeng a socialist, he’s even crazier than we thought.
Behold this low-budget propaganda piece by Oakland Socialist, produced with a recent interview of Wilmeng rambling incoherently about his mission to ban all corporations in Colorado through communism a community rights amendment.
Want to see how daft he is for yourselves? Check out the video, it’s nectar from the Gods:
Wilmeng is completely whacktastic in his bizarre ability to link the fractivist movement to abortion rights and even the tragic events in Ferguson Missouri.
Half the time we don’t think Wilmeng is even aware of how belligerent his ramblings are, like when he blasts the energy industry for its mandate to operate for short-term profit in its quest for world dominance through military might over small communities of farmers and office workers to build an empire in the Middle East.
Or something like that. His narration over still photos and videos was confusing, and the audio is so disjointed and jumpy that it sounds like it was edited by a Jack Russell Terrier. On speed.
But he was pretty adamant, if not contrarian, that gas and oil workers are victims of the industry. He reasons that when companies aren’t making any money, like what would happened if fracking was banned, then the workers lose their jobs and that’s not fair!
His conclusion, fracking and democracy cannot coexist, “One of them must go.”
He actually, really and truly said that.
Granted, he’s not exactly firing on all eight cylinders, but one thing is abundantly clear, he really doesn’t like Gov. Hickenlooper.
If this video tells us anything, it’s that there are two Democratic Parties operating in Colorado — Hick’s, and this guy’s offshoot of anarchy.
Wilmeng said this is the year he and his merry band of fractivists are determined to implement their Constitution of Chaos, which begins with the Colorado Community Rights amendment:
“The Colorado Community Rights amendment would be the national class interest of the working class and the communities in Colorado. It’s, ‘you can’t frack here, because it’s the right of our people.’ Rights can’t be taken away through this process, it’s a one-way valve. Rights can be created. The democratic rights in the workplace can be created. A woman’s right to access of reproductive care, which is currently not a right for women, they can do it if they can afford it, but it’s certainly not a right, it’s a privilege right now, and so what we’re trying to do is actually expand the ideas of what fundamental rights are in terms of people and communities and the natural environment. And that’s inevitably going to come at the cost of corporations.”
See? We told you he was crazy.
Cliff sure did make a lot of sense to me. He strikes me as very
intelligent, and made many good points. Politicans don't protect the
people, our water, our air – so community rights amendment is the
only way to go! Local governments say their "hands are tied."
So citizens will take it in their own hands, and make a huge
difference at the ballot box.
You know, Cliff is right, and you are wrong. Fracking is not only incompatible with democracy, it's incompatible with SURVIVAL OF HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH. The evidence for this is overwhelming. Instead of regurgitating Faux "news" propaganda and drinking the Tea flavored koolaid, you might just educate yourself about what's true and what isn't. Start by visiting
And by the way: Albert Einstein was a socialist. Look it up.
You shouldn't give platform to ideas you are threatened by. It seldom results in the intended marginalizing effect, and you only end up proving their worth. Stick to the Democrats and taxes. You're over your head here.
Thanks for sharing the video. I found it completely coherent and agree with 99% of what he says. I'd love to see one of the members of your editorial board do a live debate with Cliff. THAT would be entertaining!
He seems like a reasonable guy to me. Thanks for sharing his video, I support him.
It's all too easy to belittle or dismiss somebody you don't like with catch-all terms like "whacktastic" and "bizarre". What's a little more difficult is to actually take on his ideas. Why is it bizarre to say that communities should have the right to decide if they want to be poisoned by corporations or not? Why is it "whacktastic" to say that you have no community rights at all if you don't have the right to walk down the street without being shot by the police? As for socialism and capitalism: Every day capitalism is proving that all that drives it is immediate short-term profit, and longer term consequences (and costs) be d____d. Or, rather, let the communities bear them. Finally, as to the technical quality of the interview: As the interviewer and editor of the blog site where it appears (, I alone am responsible for that. I can only say that having worked as a construction worker for all my work life, and not being wealthy nor representing the wealthy, I do the best I can. ColoradoPeakPolitics is simply appealing to the snobs in their snide remarks about the quality.
If he's so "whack" why are you even bothering with him? He makes perfect sense and speaks to the common citizen… I think you're nervous…and you damn well should be! Colorado Community Rights Network state ballot initiative 2016 BABY!!
Bigoted editorial attack. How quaint? Opinions and ideas are grist for community mill. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and ideas. Calling someone "whack" is no different than calling out skin color, or mental state (crazy) as reason to hate. Sad commentary…and all too common for what passes as conservatism.
Mr. Wilmeng wounds quite reasonable and intelligent to me, As someone who also moved from a metropolitan city, Philadelphia, for many of the same reasons he did, only to find that I;m on top of the Marcellus shale formation, and have experienced the same corporate abuses Cliff speaks of in this video presentation, I agree with him 100%.
I have to say that this guy Cliff seems pretty well spoken to me. I was able to follow what he was saying and learned a thing or two from the video. Sure don't see a belligerent or rambling man as you represented.
Sounds more than sane to me:)