If there is one bill that the state legislature should pass this year, it’s one to get rid of red light cameras. Right now, there are several bills up this legislature – both with decent possibilities of passing.
The first bill, SB276, would require voter approval for red light cameras. The bill has bipartisan support from sponsors, including Sens. Carroll and Balmer and Reps. Van Winkle and Lebsock. Here’s the gist. If a city is considering red light cameras, the city has to go to the voters. Here’s the beauty of this legislation. If a city already has red light cameras, it has to ask the voters on the 2016 ballot. This bill passed the Senate on third reading on Friday, but must still pass the House.
The other bill, HB1098, would prohibit the use of “automated vehicle identification systems to identify violators of traffic regulations and issue citations based on photographic evidence”. In short, it would ban the use of red light cameras completely. This bill has already passed the House, which is the hurdle for the previous bill, and is likely to pass the Senate if it makes it through the system on time.
The legislature has three two days left to pass this. All of Colorado is waiting with crossed fingers for the legislature to pass some kind of prohibition on the raiding of Coloradans’ wallets via red light cameras. If one or both of these laws pass, will the Governor actually sign it?
Yes!! They need to pass something like this in CA as well. It's time to kiss the SCAMeras goodbye. The greedy guses say they are "all about safety" – but if an intersection isn't generating enough tickets, they disappear. Safety, my tookus.